How To Create Heaven on Earth

How To Create Heaven on Earth

divine design feminine energy masculine energy soul purpose soul truth true self Jul 30, 2024
When you envision heaven on earth, what do you imagine?

I see thriving ecosystems, with clean air, healthy forests, oceans, and animals, happy families, beautiful communities in radiant health, equality among all beings, unconditional love, generosity, joy, peace, financial abundance, and freedom.

And I see each one of us living in alignment with our divine design.

What do YOU see?

We all have different definitions of heaven on earth.

Because we are all uniquely created beings, with our own likes, dislikes, desires, and values.


What if creating heaven on earth was as simple as BEING your TRUE SELF?

Living in alignment with your own unique skills, abilities, gifts, and values. Being who you were divinely created to be. Living your soul purpose.

Is it really so simple?

And yet, to make that choice to be fully, completely, authentically YOU can feel so hard.


Because it requires tremendous courage to break the mold of your conditioning that teaches you to be who you are NOT. It takes letting go of much of what you’ve been taught by people you may love very much, like your parents, teachers, friends, or favorite news anchors.

It requires taking a BIG leap of faith.

It requires standing in your TRUTH.

The time is NOW for creating Heaven on Earth.

And it is the visionary leaders who are liberating themselves and their voices to show the way.

But what does that really mean? And why does it matter?

I help visionary leaders align with their soul purpose and speak their truth, so they can step out and change the world. We need visionary leaders who can see what is possible, even when it doesn’t yet exist in the outer world. We need visionary leaders to step up and model an inside-out path to creating heaven on earth.

I bring through liberation codes for my clients. When you liberate your voice–the voice of your soul–you come into alignment with your soul purpose, your divine design. You become your highest self and live your highest timeline with ease and grace, with joy and bliss.

Now is the time to live your highest truth.

What is your “Soul Truth”?

Your soul truth is your inner wisdom. It is your natural design. The desires you long to fulfill. The dreams you have. Your visions and hopes. Your passions and natural gifts.

Think about what brought you the greatest joy when you were a child.

What were the moments and memories that filled you up with joy or peace?

Often, these moments contain the seeds of your soul truth, the wisdom and special gifts you are meant to share with the world.

When you follow what brings you joy, what lights you up, what brings you bliss, you are living in alignment with your soul purpose.

This is the divine design.



What is the Divine Design?

The divine design is: We get to have what we want.

We want it, we get it.
Ask and it is given.
Ask and you shall receive.

So why don’t we all have what we want?

When we incarnated on this planet, we made a choice to FORGET our divinity in order to become human, so we could explore this three-dimensional physical reality we call Earth.

To be human is to forget that we are all unique facets of a Divine Creator, and we all have the power to create whatever we want.

If we look around at the world right now, we can see there are a lot of problems. We see wars, poverty, homelessness, climate change, natural disasters, racial injustice, systemic oppression, and many other problems.

This is NOT the divine design.

The Divine Design is peace, harmony, balance, love, and trust.

But here on earth, we have free will. This means we get to create whatever we want–and our Creator will not interfere with our free-will choices. Believe it or not, we have chosen to create this non-utopia. We have chosen to “fall” from conscious living. This has led to a collective dark night of the soul on earth.

But all that is changing.

Many of us, particularly advanced master souls, are awakening to our power and our light. We are remembering our power to create.

And we are bringing the earth back into balance.


Balancing the Masculine and Feminine

One of the reasons the world is experiencing so much turmoil right now, is that for centuries we have been living in a patriarchal paradigm. We have been dominated by masculine energy and ways of being, and things are out of balance.

The Divine Design involves bringing back a balance of masculine and feminine energies. The Yin and the Yang. This balancing of masculine and feminine helps restore the Divine Blueprint and bring harmony to the planet.

The masculine energies are of the mind–the logical, organizational, and linear modes of thinking. Masculine energies are also action-oriented, DOING, fixing.

The feminine energies are of the body, the heart, the intuition, and the emotions–the feelings, the flow, the receptivity. Feminine energies are about BEING, receiving, and embodying.

We have been conditioned to operate from the masculine perspective–to prioritize the mind over the body, the logical over the emotional, thinking over feeling, doing over being, rational analysis over intuition.

We think we must “do” all the time in order to “achieve” what we want.

Most of us haven’t learned how to “BE” in order to “receive” what we want.

As we move into creating the time of Heaven on Earth, we must learn new ways of being, including how to “be” and “receive,” how to make decisions from our hearts, and “trust” what we intuitively “know,” rather than always trying to “figure things out” through our minds. These are some ways to balance the masculine and feminine within ourselves.

As within, so without.

As we come into balance inside of ourselves, the balance will be reflected in the outer world.

We create heaven on earth from within.


Coming Home to Our Power

Many people aren’t actually awake to the fact that we have the power within us to change our lives, our circumstances, and even the outer world through doing this inner work.

We all have the power within to create the life we desire.

It comes from aligning with our soul truth, our divine design, who we really are.

If we all lived by our divine design, our soul truth, we’d be living in heaven on earth.

We would not have wars. When people are living their truth, they wouldn’t have to take from someone else or compare themselves to others. There is enough for all to go around. We would not have to fight to get what we want. There is no need to suffer.


It Starts with Intention

One very powerful way to begin to come home to your power to create heaven on earth inside of yourself is to become very conscious about your intentions, every single day. Begin your day asking:

  • What do you want to create?
  • What do you desire?
  • How do you want to feel?

Seed your intentions into all that you do.

For example, if you feel stressed out a lot of the time, you may set an intention of feeling peaceful. Begin to hold the energy of peace inside your heart as you take a shower, as you make breakfast.

As you go about your day, continue to set the intention of peace. Take a deep breath when you feel stressed out. Come back home to your power to create peace. Walk with peace, breathe with peace, eat with peace, go to meetings with peace.

Each moment of the day, you awaken. You take a breath and come back to peace.

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Buddhist monk, wrote a book called “Peace is Every Step.” In 1999, I remember when then-mayor of Oakland, Jerry Brown, brought Hanh to the city for a day of mindfulness. Thousands of us came together around Lake Merritt to learn from this luminary monk and author.

Thich Nhat Hanh taught us to walk mindfully, to seed peace into the earth with every step we took. Thousands of us processed together around Lake Merritt in silence, bringing peace to ourselves, our ancestors, the land, and to future generations. Every step was a prayer. With every step, we noticed the beauty around us and gave thanks for the blessings of this bountiful universe.

We can use our minds to set a conscious intention, an intention that springs from our heart. Rather than allowing our minds to lead the show, where they can swirl in worry and fear as we try to figure things out, we can be conscious creators who plant seeds of intention from our hearts to create heaven on earth with every breath and every step we take.

Is it really that simple?
Yes, it truly is.

And it can also require a lot of commitment.

We must do it over and over and over again. It is a daily practice. Just as you brush your teeth every day–not just once in your life, and you’re done–you keep coming back to those intention-seeds in your heart. Just as master yogis continue to practice yoga every day, we continue to practice creating what we desire from within, despite the outer circumstances of our lives.

The outer world would have you believe in fear with every step. Worry and anxiety get programmed into us daily from the media, education systems, financial systems, political systems.

It takes a lot of conscious intention to come back to remembering your power as a creator to create anything you want.

And it requires holding this high-vibrational set-point of conscious, intentional creation even when your creation hasn’t yet manifested. Keeping the faith.

It is an ongoing practice.



The Choice is Yours

The Power of Intention author Wayne Dyer said: “‘Heaven on Earth’ is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.”

It is a choice to focus on what you WANT, not what you don’t want. To focus on gratitude for what you do have, not grief over what you lack. To focus on your power to create, rather than your perceived powerlessness. On creating solutions, not fixating on problems. On what lights you up, not what brings you down. On what brings you joy, not what drains you out.

The glass is always both half full AND half empty.

What you see is your choice.
If you focus on what is missing, you will find more of what is missing. If you focus on what you have, you have plenty.

What you resist persists.

What you focus on expands.


Getting Support

Creating heaven on earth is not hard; it is simple.

But it is not easy.

Just as elite athletes have coaches who help them achieve their feats of physical prowess, visionary leaders also require support to hold their vision and stay focused on the bigger picture.

Creating heaven on earth requires investment.

Just as we invest in education, in skills building, in technology, and professional development, we must also invest in creating new ways of being, new ways of seeing, building our capacity for higher consciousness living and leading.

Those who are awakening NOW are meant to SERVE the masses, to help seed this consciousness on the planet. Stepping into bigger service requires bigger support.

Whether you are leading an organization, a company, your family, or yourself, your consciousness matters. You KNOW a better world is possible–and your light is meant to radiate to illuminate others and uplift humanity’s soul from darkness, suffering, and pain.

The time is NOW and we need visionary leaders to help raise the vibration of the planet. To return to the garden, to wholeness, to love. To create Heaven on Earth.

I would love to support you on your journey to fully embodying your soul, walking your true purpose, and being the change you long to see on the earth.

You don’t have to do it alone.

Speak your truth and change the world. Book a Soul Voice Session here


This is perfect for you if you:

✅  Have special gifts that you yearn to bring out into the world–but are struggling to express them.

 ✅  Know you need support to speak your truth and live into your highest vision for your life.

✅  Desire mentoring, empowerment, and activation from a leader who can help you see what you can’t see.


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