Speak Your Truth and Stand in Your Power

Speak Your Truth and Stand in Your Power

sacred rage speak your truth Aug 01, 2024

'Just after the Summer Solstice of 2024, I was part of the Evolving Sisters Network’s Goddess Convergence, a collaboration between nearly 40 women who are leaders among the rising tide of divine feminine consciousness. We each brought through an activation connected with our own unique medicine–because when we gather together as goddesses, we are unstoppable.

My Day One talk “Speak Your Truth” was a powerful, sacred practice to align your womb space (whether you have a physical womb or not) with your throat chakra. This practice helps to awaken your life force energy and expand your capacity for abundance.

What I’ve noticed is that many of us are suppressing our truth. This is particularly true for women who have spiritual gifts they haven’t yet fully claimed or owned.

Many of us push down our truth. We tamp it down and suppress it, thinking that we are too “woo” or too “out there” or just “too much” and that our truth is somehow not acceptable.

As we shove down this inner wisdom, it can create resentment—or often anger.

I call this sacred rage.

Sacred rage is the energy that, when properly channeled and unleashed, creates seismic shifts on the planet.

When channeled through the voice, sacred rage calls out what we see that’s wrong with the world, and calls for change. It is the energy that creates revolutionary consciousness shifts. Think the #metoo movement, Black Lives Matter, or the Civil Right Movement.

Many of us have been taught that it’s inappropriate to express our anger. We’re taught to be pleasing and nice, kind and compassionate, supportive and loving. These are wonderful qualities to have. But they do not encompass the full range of human expression we get to express. Many of us actually have a fear response to anger.

In part, this is because we fear our own power.

Using our voices to create what we want in the world is our greatest power.

When we suppress our sacred rage, it may manifest as sadness, depression, isolation, loneliness, exhaustion, depletion, low libido, or even serious health issues.

In my Speak Your Truth activation, I evoked the Hawaiian Goddess Pele. Goddess Pele is the volcano goddess who is revered in the Pacific Islands because of her power to create new life. Yes, volcanic eruptions destroy what stands in the wake of the hot, raging lava that pours out. But the molten rock ejections also create new land—and that volcanic soil is the most fertile ground for new growth.

When we learn to channel our emotions and our energy through our voices to create what we desire in the world, we are unstoppable. This is because we have seeded our creations in this fertile new soil. We stand powerfully rooted in the wisdom gained from difficult life experiences that we have learned to transmute. Without flinching. Without shrinking. In full ownership of our truth.


When we claim our voices, we claim our power.

What a powerful activation it was for me to be part of this collaboration with divine feminine luminaries in sisterhood.

I truly feel blessed to be walking this path of liberation, openly sharing my journey, and showing others the way.



This is perfect for you if you:

✅  Have special gifts that you yearn to bring out into the world–but are struggling to express them.

 ✅  Know you need support to speak your truth and live into your highest vision for your life.

✅  Desire mentoring, empowerment, and activation from a leader who can help you see what you can’t see.


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Speak Your Truth and Stand in Your Power

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